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While we all have feelings of sadness or despair at times, the illness of depression is a medical condition that causes changes in the physical body and brain. Typical symptoms of depression may include: sadness; feeling empty, hopeless, worthless or guilty; irritability or anger; having no interest or not enjoying activities that once brought pleasure; low energy and motivation; difficulty concentrating; changes in sleep and appetite; crying spells; and/or thoughts of death. Depression can distort the way you view yourself, others, and your life.

At its most extreme, a person with depression may be unable to work, interact socially, engage in relationships, or take care of themselves, their families and/or their pets. Though depression can look this way at its extremes, the majority of people with depression continue to function well enough that others may not realize they are suffering. It is just that the effort it takes to get through normal daily tasks can feel overwhelming.

People with depression may label themselves lazy, unmotivated, and incapable, wondering why it is so difficult for them to get their lives together, get things done, or function as well as other people seem to. Not recognizing that depression plays a part can have devastating consequences. One’s goals, dreams, relationships, and productivity may be slipping away while self-loathing and hopelessness is growing. Depression leads to a great deal of suffering, and not recognizing and getting help for depression leads to worsened depression and greater suffering. It affects not only the person who has it, but their loved ones as well.

Because depression can affect every aspect of a person’s life – including physical health, emotional interactions, significant relationships, work, spiritual connection and a sense of meaning or purpose in life – it is critical to get help. Talking with a therapist can help to determine if you have depression and if so, what type of treatment may be most helpful. There are many options for treating depression, many of which do not include medication.

Therapists Who Specialize in Depression

Valarie Smith | LCSW
Valarie Smith
Nyambura Kihato | LPC
Nyambura Kihato
Molly Keeton Parnell | Ph.D.
Molly Keeton Parnell
Melissa Kulick | Ph.D.
Melissa Kulick
Lisa Anyan Smith | Ph.D.
Lisa Anyan Smith
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